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Learn Code Stream

VMware vRealize Automation

Custom Integrations

Custom Integrations allow you write custom code in Python, Shell or NodeJS, and execute your code as a Custom Task in a Stage of a Pipeline . When the Custom Integration task is executed, it uses the Docker Host endpoint and Container Image configured for the parent Pipeline .

Creating a Custom Integration

The Custom Integration is essentially a YAML file with four sections:

  • Runtime - defines the runtime for the Custom Integration (nodejs, python2, python3, shell)
  • Code - this is a multi-line scalar (any indented text after the | symbol should be interpreted as a multi-line scalar value) of the code to execute
  • Input Properties - an array of input properties that are used in the execution of the Code
  • Output Properties - an array of output properties that are returned by the execution of the Code

Input Properties

The available input types are documented in article linked the reference section below, one of the easiest ways to understand the different types is to create a new Custom Integration, select the runtime of your choice, then view the generated placeholder content.

echo $inputPropertyName
from context import getInput # Import the getInput function from context.py
myInput = getInput("inputpropertyname")
var context = require("./context.js") // Import the getInput function from context.js
var myInput = context.getInput("inputpropertyname");

Output Parameters

Output properties are used to return values from the Custom Integration task - currently only one type (label) is supported. To return a value it should be out to the Output Property

export outputPropertyName = "outputPropertyValue"
from context import setOutput # Import the setOutput function from context.py
setOutput("outputPropertyName", "outputPropertyValue")
var context = require("./context.js") // Import the setOutput function from context.js
context.setOutput("outputPropertyName", "outputPropertyValue");

Versioning and Releasing

When you create a new Custom Integration it will be created as a Draft. In order to use the Custom Integration in a Pipeline Task you must release a version - this means that the released version can’t be changed and cause the Pipeline to fail. When you create a Custom Task type in a Pipeline Stage you can select which version you wish to use.

Version and release a Custom Integration
Version and release a Custom Integration

Example Custom Integration - Create a Basic Authentication Header

The below example code takes a username and password input and returns a basicAuthHeader output for each of the runtimes - it’s a very simple use case that helps me when working with a REST API that only accepts a basic authentication headers.

The Container image you specify in the Pipeline Workspace configuration must support the runtime you’re using for the Custom Integration code
runtime: shell
code: |
    export basicAuthHeader=$(echo -n $username:$password | base64)

  # Username input
  - name: 'username'
    type: text
    title: 'Username'
    placeHolder: 'Enter basic authentication usename'
    required: true
    bindable: true
  # Password input
  - name: 'password'
    type: password
    title: 'Password'
    placeHolder: 'Enter basic authentication password'
    defaultValue: ''
    required: true
    bindable: true

  - name: basicAuthHeader
    type: label
    title: Basic Authentication Header
runtime: "python3"
code: |
  from base64 import b64encode
  from context import getInput, setOutput
  username = getInput('username')
  password = getInput('password')
  usernameAndPassword = b64encode(bytes(f'{username}:{password}',encoding='ascii')).decode('ascii')

  setOutput('basicAuthHeader', "Basic "+usernameAndPassword)  

  # Username input
  - name: 'username'
    type: text
    title: 'Username'
    placeHolder: 'Enter basic authentication usename'
    required: true
    bindable: true
  # Password input
  - name: 'password'
    type: password
    title: 'Password'
    placeHolder: 'Enter basic authentication password'
    defaultValue: ''
    required: true
    bindable: true

  - name: basicAuthHeader
    type: label
    title: Basic Authentication Header
runtime: "nodejs"
code: |
  var context = require("./context.js")

  var username = context.getInput("username");;
  var password = context.getInput("password");;
  const buff = Buffer.from(username+':'+password, 'utf-8');
  const base64 = buff.toString('base64');
  context.setOutput("basicAuthHeader", base64);  

  # Username input
  - name: 'username'
    type: text
    title: 'Username'
    placeHolder: 'Enter basic authentication usename'
    required: true
    bindable: true
  # Password input
  - name: 'password'
    type: password
    title: 'Password'
    placeHolder: 'Enter basic authentication password'
    defaultValue: ''
    required: true
    bindable: true

  - name: basicAuthHeader
    type: label
    title: Basic Authentication Header

To use my new task in a Pipeline stage, I create a new Task, select Type Custom and select my Custom Integration and released version. This automatically creates an input form for the username and password input properties. Because I have set bindable: true for these properties, I can bind them to Pipeline variables , or Variables

Using a Custom Integration in a Custom task
Using a Custom Integration in a Custom task

To access the output property basicAuthHeader later on in my REST task, I can access the task properties by using the Stage name, Task name, then output.properties.propertyName - e.g:

${Authenticate.Create Auth Header.output.properties.basicAuthHeader}


    Last updated on 26 Apr 2022
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